
Some of my favorite soundtrack composers:

James Horner

What are they about:

James Horner does some of my favorite soundtracks and is one of the most recognizable composers to me. He has a very distinct signature sound full of pan flute, abrupt horns, and very haunting usage of vocals. Did soundtracks for a lot of really heartfelt 80/90s movies including things like Titanic and Jumanji. Movies that both have a really different vibe but are both very heartfelt. One of my favorite James Horner things is that he has this one sting of music that he's used in multiple soundtracks, usually it's used for the villain. It's most distinct in Willow as Kael, Bavmorda's general she sent after Willow and the gang, shows up in a scene. Overall what I like most about his stuff other than the specific instruments he uses is that very tender sound he gravitates towards that gives me that swoopy feeling in my chest.

Favorite works:

  • Willow
  • Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan
  • Avatar (ya I'm not happy about it either)
  • Casper
  • James Newton Howard

    What are they about:

    OH boy what a magical sound! This guy's soundtracks make me float off the ground and fly up into the sky! One of my favorite soundtrack pieces ever is from Atlantis when Kida is in the crystal chamber I will listen to that thing on repeat I don't even care. I like how he uses a lot of very cool "sparkly sounds" in his stuff lots of fun percussion, chimes, synths, and choir. A fun mixture of more classic cinematic sounds and newer sounds that makes that floaty feeling. These soundtracks are also really action-packed and full of energy! Lots of fun !

    Favorite Works:
  • Atlantis
  • Treasure Planet
  • Peter Pan (2003)
  • Danny Elfman

    What are they about:

    If it sounds like the music from a haunted organ and an oompah band from hell then it's an Elfman. I like Oingo Boingo and that same energy that makes me want to become a batman villain is just absolutely injected into most of his soundtracks too. He uses a lot of brass, lots of horns doing things they shouldn't and a lot of percussion. Like even if he's not using a percussion instrument for a section it's like he uses the other instruments in a really tight formation like a beat.Like you are being WALLOPED with a trombone. BUT! there's also a lot of his style that's fitting for really sad stuff, nobody does melancholy like a goth clown.

    What's this...?

    Favorite works:
  • Beetlejuice
  • Edward Scissorhands
  • Nightmare Before Christmas
  • Batman Returns
  • Pee wee's big adventure
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (oh my god are these BANGERS)
  • Howard Shore

    What are they about:

    First off the LOTR soundtrack is a fucking masterpiece and so inspiring to listen to for creating fantasy stuff and playing dnd ;). I mean GOD the shire theme is so warm and nostalgic sounding and makes you want to eat bread and live in a little hill. And the use of that theme whenever they think of going home or things are at their worst is soulcrushing. His style is very string-heavy and full of feeling, very flowy and pastoral. It suits the thought provoking but sad themes of my favorite movies listed so well. Completely changes the vibes. Which is what soundtracks are supposed to do, set the tone. And boy does he set a goddamn tone. Just the feeling you get from hearing that booming drum and horns when Mordor or Isengard show up is phenomenal.

    Favorite works:
  • Dead Ringers
  • The Fly
  • Lord of the Rings(alll)
  • John Williams

    What are they about:

    One of theeee most iconic soundtrack guys ever. I feel like most people know at least one thing he's done. Without him we wouldn't have the Jaws noise, or the Jurassic Park theme, or the Star Wars opening credits music! Imagine how many jokes would be lost without that music how sad....anyway. Themes are important to any soundtrack where you want your audience to really care about your characters or elevate certain moments' emotional impact. And one thing that makes his music so memorable is how much he nails that. Oh my god imagine any scene where Darth Vader without the imperial march, just silence, booooooooring, not fun. Yoda's theme makes me cry every time I listen to it, like it gives me chills and makes me tear up. And it's about a little wrinkly green fucker voiced by miss piggy.

    Favorite works:
  • Star Wars:A New Hope
  • Star Wars:The Force Awakens
  • Jurassic Park
  • Joe Hisaishi

    What are they about:

    Studio Ghibli movies would not be the same without Joe Hisaishi's breathtaking music, he can make you feel like you're falling in love for the first time, like you feel the weight of the planet on your shoulders, like you could beat some serious ass. The magic of his pieces is that while they do sound cool as hell being played by an entire orchestra, to me, they shine most when played on a single piano. Still commanding the same amount of feeling and movement. He does a lot of doing a single instrument (usually piano but sometimes violin or similar) and then bringing in the rest of the orchestra which gives the piece this nice moment of focus. I also really like his overtures, especially the castle in the sky one. I've listened to that soundtrack more times than I can count because it's just so inspiring and cool even though most of it was not in the movie originally.

    Favorite works:
  • Laputa:Castle in the Sky
  • Kiki's Delivery Service
  • Howl's Moving Castle
  • Trevor Jones

    What are they about:

    Trevor Jones put soundtracks to two of my favorite movies that I grew up watching over and over and scaring the shit out of myself but also getting really lost in a beautiful fantasy world. I especially like all of the really twangy strange sounds he sometimes uses and he makes really great use of both orchestra and synth that is soo brainscratchy. And he's great at making things feel very mysterious and very old. I also just appreciate his collaboration with Jim Henson and all he did to make both his movies really hit harder. Although the style of the labyrinth soundtrack is significantly altered by the fact that it was also done by David Bowie and his banger songs it wouldn't be the same without trevor jones' music. LIke if you know me you know these three movies are like total heartmovies for me like they are deep deep in my brain and they're never comin out.

    Favorite Works:
  • Time Bandits
  • The Dark Crystal
  • Labyrinth